Be Ready, Good Samaritan

Prepare yourself to be a “good Samaritan”  


Simple Bags  

This lesson explains how to put assemble a bag with selected items that may help someone you pass along the way.  

Good Sam Ideas

Subway Cards  ?

Another idea for helping those you pass on your way to other things

Disabled Motorist

Sometimes jumper cables are all you need

Local Groups that Help  

Do you know what’s available?  Why not make a list of things near your home and/or work where people can get help?  Be prepared to hand a person a card with names, addresses and phone numbers of agencies and churches that offer aid in the area.  

Disaster Preparedness

Is your area prone to tornadoes, earthquakes or wildfires?  Maybe you could be the person who helps his neighbors in a time when help is needed.  Know the evacuation routes.  Make a neighborhood committee with emergency numbers, etc.  

Be Dressed & Ready for Service

Luke 12.35

If you don’t know the story of the Good Samaritan, you can find it in your bible in Luke 10.25-37, or by reading it at the bottom of this page.  While two religious men passed by a hurting man, a scummy Samaritan stopped to help.  Jesus’ words echo even today: “Go and do the same.”  

Most of us encounter people in need every day.  Some are obvious, like the person who stands on the corner with a sign, or approaches us in a gas station or parking lot asking for help.  Others are not so obvious, like the senior citizen who needs help paying bills or doing yard work or is just lonely.  Sometimes it’s a person at work or a parent at our kids’ sports event who is going through a nasty divorce or other personal drama or it may be the kid in class that is stressing over school, relationships, etc.  

There are two questions we must learn to ask ourselves, if we take seriously the story of the Good Samaritan:

  1. Do I notice - or even watch out for people who are hurting?
  2. Am I prepared to help?

Sometimes we don’t see them.  We’re so busy with our own dramas we miss completely the fact that someone else is hurting or in need.  Other times we see them, but we don’t know what to do, or we don’t have the means to help them.  The lessons on this page are designed to help you correct those problems.


Start preparing to help.  Follow the advice in the “Blessing Bags” lesson or the “Subway Cards” lesson, for instance. Prepare to take care of the person you meet in the parking lot.  While you’re doing that, take time to think and pray and study and discuss with others about the wisest way to help these people.  

With all these ideas:start simple and just do what you can, and then grow & learn to do better.  


Start looking for opportunities.  If you’re handy with cars even a little, you can carry some jumper cables and simple tools and watch for those who are stranded on the roadside.  Or you can start looking at people with whom you work and really pay attention to what’s happening in their lives and learn how to help them.  

You will be amazed at how much of a blessing you can be to someone - if you’ll just take the time to prepare, and pay attention.  

Purpose Statement:

“The Son of Man came to Seek & Rescue those that are lost”

Luke 19.10

The Story of the Good Samaritan from Luke 10.25-37

And a bible scholar stood up and put Him [Jesus] to the test, saying,

“Teacher, what shall I do to inherit eternal life?”

And He said to him,

“What’s written in the Law [Torah]? How does it read to you?”

And he answered,

“You shall love the Lord your God

with all your heart, and

with all your soul, and

with all your strength, and

with all your mind;

- and -

your neighbor as yourself.”

And He said to him,

“You have answered correctly; do this and you’ll live.”

But wishing to justify himself, he said to Jesus,

“And who is my neighbor?”

Jesus replied and said,

A man was going down from Jerusalem to Jericho, and fell among robbers, and they stripped him and beat him, and went away leaving him half dead.

And by chance

…a priest was going down on that road, and when he saw him, he passed by on the other side.  Likewise

…a Levite also, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side.  But…

…a Samaritan, who was on a journey, came upon him; and when he saw him, he felt compassion, and:

came to him and

bandaged up his wounds, (pouring oil and wine on them); and

he put him on his own beast, and

brought him to an inn and

took care of him.  

On the next day he took out 2 denarii and gave them to the innkeeper and said,

‘Take care of him; and whatever more you spend, when I return I’ll repay you.’

Which of these three do you think proved to be a neighbor to the man who fell into the robbers’ hands?

And he said,

“The one who showed mercy toward him”

Then Jesus said to him,

“Go and do the same.”


wisely - effectively - now

There’s too much suffering in the world,

and I’m only one person:

what can I do?  

start here:

Soon there will be lessons with greater detail on the “Lessons” Page, but for now ...

Sometimes the task seems too big, or there are too many rip-offs, or no time, or whatever; these conditions lead us to never even start.  Think of “giving” as a necessary gamble.  You need to start, but start very small - so you can make adjustments later - but do something!  

You know your area better than you do a faraway country - so start where you live.  Even in a wealthy area like Orange County there are lots of needs and many opportunities to serve!  If you’re having trouble coming up with something, get in touch - I’ll soon be adding lots of suggestions, and I’ll make it even sooner if provoked, so provoke me.

Ask around, go online, and do some investigating.  There are several good ratings services online and some are better than others.  Charity Navigator can be good, but sometimes it’s inaccurate.  My favorite so far is AIP (American Institute of Philanthropy).  Also learn to ask lots of questions and find out how a group is organized, where money goes, if there is follow-up, etc.  Be wise in your giving.

As you learn what acts of “healing” and charities are effective, reasonable and reputable, share the information with us at Godwor, and open a dialogue with others here, so others can learn from our experiences.  

Golfers are always trying to better their score, fishermen keep looking for big fish, and disciples of Jesus are always searching for ways to serve more, give more, and be wiser in our giving.  Challenge yourself!  Join with others and be accountable!  Give more each year of your time and money and effort - and give it more wisely - always seeking to get the most “bang” for the buck.

Start Here

“Bloom where you’re planted” & “charity begins at home”

The things on this page are intended to get you started today.  Once you start down this road, you then make it a part of your everyday life - so that you learn to make it a habit to do just a little bit of good every week, right in your own neighborhood, your home, your school, your playground, pub or church.

On this page there are two quick starters: right here I’ll put some things you can do today, and then below this are the “Good Sam” ideas that you can do next.  Set yourself a schedule, and a goal, and get started on this before the end of a week, and you’ll be on your way!


Start a List:  Using your PDA or note-cards or whatever … start looking for people who might need help, and simply write it down.  It might be someone at school who seems always in despair or the beggar you pass daily on your way home from work, or a sick or imprisoned family member.  Many people cover up their problems, but also we miss a lot just because we’re not looking out for others.  Making a list of people will start you on a path to actually SEE others and their needs.  Do this for at least a week, and pray for them and consider how you might help them.  As the list grows and you ponder over these people, spend time here on the website and look for ideas and begin to make a strategy for yourself.  (More about this on the lessons page)


Start looking for opportunities.  If you’re handy with cars even a little, you can carry some jumper cables and simple tools and watch for those who are stranded on the roadside.  Or you can start looking at people with whom you work and really pay attention to what’s happening in their lives and learn how to help them.  

You will be amazed at how much of a blessing you can be to someone - if you’ll just take the time to prepare, and pay attention.  

Purpose Statement:

“The Son of Man came to Seek & Rescue those that are lost”

Luke 19.10

The Good Sam: our model

Jesus told a story of a man who was on a business trip, and saw someone in need and helped.  Consider how that might look in your world: we don’t have to quit our jobs or turn into Mother Teresa or Gandhi or something, rather, it’s about keeping your eyes open.  Really learn to look at people, take notice and pay attention to them.  Are they in need?  If so, maybe just a small gift from you could make a huge difference.  

The article to the left is about this.  It’s about paying attention - nothing more (or less). Get used to really “seeing” people.  Some are fakers who only appear to be in need.  Others are faking like their lives are great, but really they’re struggling.  

Learning to pay attention to the needs of others is the first step.  For most people, simple awareness is enough of a motivator to get them started.  

Road to Jericho

The Simple Bag

- by Sharla

What goes through your mind when you see people on the street in need of help?  Have you wanted to help, but didn’t know what to do?  Let’s help like Peter (a disciple of Jesus) who said, “I don’t have silver or gold, but what I do have, I’ll give you, in Jesus’ name.”  

I came across an idea online and am working to make these simple bags an effective way to reach out and offer help or “healing.”  I’ve made up a few of these bags and have them in my car ready to hand out when I encounter someone in need.  

Here is a list of items that I have in my bags. The Dollar Store was the best place I found to gather most of the items for the bags.  If you find better deals somewhere else, please, let us know

I also talked to my sister-in-law about the bags.  Here are some additional things that their group put in their bags that make them better:


You might consider including a list of area resources where they could go for a meal, shelter or counseling.  You can reach out to local churches in your area to see what resources they share with people who come looking for assistance.  You could also include gift cards to local restaurants (some of our group use Subway cards).  We’re always looking for ways to improve and would love your feedback to make them better.

After I made my first bags, I shared them with a friend and his business partner who is not a disciple.   This was my way of “taking someone with me” to “heal.”  Then we started trying to be more aware of people who might be in need.  I didn’t see anyone for almost 3 weeks.  When I saw this lady on the corner, I simply handed the bag to her.  She truly was so appreciative.  That encounter left me wanting to do more-to reach out to her to see what her real needs were.  Now I’m making plans to go beyond just handing out a simple bag. Yes, handing out a simple bag meets an immediate need, but more than that it is a way to open the door to the real purpose of healing – to be like Jesus and to seek and save the lost.