Latest news from Kirk … (10-12-2012)

I expect this to be my last ‘post’ here … as far as “news.”  From now on, please find all your local OC news on our local G+ page.  Lindsey and I both post things up there, including prayer requests and newsy items.  It’s our “bulletin board” just for us.  We have the ability to control who sees what, so some of us see more there than others.  If you have something that you want shared … get word to me or Lindsey and we’ll put your prayer request or praise God item or whatever up there for the group.

Remember that we also have a G+ page that’s open for the whole world to see, and it usually shows when we post a new article or something on one of the blogs.  

Find our “main” page here

Check those to pages to learn the latest.  Check them daily, if possible, as you seek to “honor one another above yourselves,” and “be devoted to one another in love.”

Sunday prep …

This will be on the local OC page.  Check there to see if there’s any prep for that week.  If you don’t see anything, then “bring” a generous, prayerful spirit of encouragement for your brothers and sisters!  

Local (OC) Works of
(Actually, “worship”) (Matthew 25.40 & James 1.27)

church meets every Sunday Afternoon, 3:00 - 5:00

OC Local

This page is for we who live in OC, CA, USA.  Join us, if you’re nearby -

and/or let us help you start your own Godwor group.



What’s this?

DaveH    = 26 February

Sharla    = 23 April

Ross       =  1 June, 2011

Linds      =  4 July

Kirk         =  26 July

Anne       =  8 August

Heather  =  10 August

Jazette   = 13 August

Janet      = 19 September

Ivan      = November 7

D’Anna = November 13

Luke 15:7

“I tell you that in the same way, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance.


Luke 15.10

“Itell you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.”

Luke 15:32

We HAD to celebrate and rejoice - for this brother of yours was dead and has begun to live, and was lost and has been found!”

Take time -  Take initiative - Don’t just sit there reading … DO something!

“There’s a time and a season for every purpose under heaven.”  

We have talked about taking time to do the things in the box on the right.  Are you?  Have you?

Most people never “get around” to certain activities.  This is especially true of planning and budgets and calendars &

anything that doesn’t have a deadline and some feeling of urgency.  

Consider the result:a life that’s a lot like chasing one’s tail.  Constantly responding to ‘disasters’ because one didn’t simply stop and plan ahead.  Even if this kind of lifestyle is tolerable … it’s hardly setting a good example, is it?  

“Finish your outdoor work and get your fields ready; after that, build your house.”  P 24.27

The reason for the meetings is just like Paul instructed: “let all things be done for strengthening,” or as in Hebrews, to “spur one another on to love and good works.”  We meet to get each other doing more good works! (1 Corinthians. 14.26 & Hebrews 10.24)

Our meetings are like the first simple churches established by the Apostles, who met regularly to eat, fellowship, pray and study the word (Acts 2.42). Most people bring food for themselves & family with a bit extra to share.  Dress is extra casual (shorts, swimsuits, etc.)  - come and go as you please.  

Some of us also attend a traditional church, some do not.  If you’re happily involved in a church now, we don’t want to provoke you to leave.  But understand: if you’re a committed disciple of Jesus, you need more than traditional church - you need a group who will hold you accountable to grow both in quantity and quality of love.  Remember: traditional church is optional, obeying God is not.  

Don’t be a foolish virgin

(Matthew 25)

Romans 12.3-8

Challenge yourself with these words of Paul - are you DOING this?

Think so as to have sound judgment, as God has allotted to each a measure of faith.  

For just as we have many members in one body and all the members don’t have the same function, so we (who are many) are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.  

Since we have gifts that differ according to the grace given to us, each of us is to exercise them accordingly:  

If prophecy, according to the proportion of his faith;

If service, in his serving; or

He who teaches, in his teaching; or

He who exhorts, in his exhortation;

He who gives, with liberality;

He who leads, with diligence;

He who shows mercy, with cheerfulness.  

We meet weekly to rest, eat, pray and study God’s word.  Come when you can - leave when you’re ready … between about 2:30-ish and 5-ish

Whereas most churches today gather to worship (an idea not found in the bible); we gather to encourage, strengthen and equip each other.  We focus on the function of church rather than the form.  We’re unconcerned with music, buildings, the kinds of clothing you wear, or how many of us there are.  We are only concerned with helping disciples (you?) become stronger.  

Ideas & stuff (hopefully) being checked out:

Pre-natal single Mom help, counseling, etc.  

Big brothers/sisters

YMCA, community, and/or other kids’ stuff

Support for abused people

Work for seniors (fixing up house, yard, etc.)

Causes: funding events for AIDS, cancer, etc.

Support local military guys (Pendleton)

Give blood

Disaster relief & prep (recent windstorms, fires, etc.)

Environmental projects (beach, trail, wilderness help)

Local shelters & food banks

South County Outreach
 “A non-sectarian organization providing comprehensive emergency services to individuals and families.”

Family Assistance Ministries
“FAM is providing food, shelter, and client aid to thousands of people in South OC. We provide shelter, utility assistance, transportation assistance, medical, dental, prescriptions assistance, financial counseling and courses as well as collaborating with other social services organizations to provide referrals and medical screenings, immunizations, eye glasses,” etc.